Church Leader New to LT?

Church Leader New to LT?


Are you new to LT?

Are you a church leader who wants to know what to do next?



You've come to the right place!

 And, we're glad you've decided to join us.


1st - You Need A Group Leader

This person is usually the youth group leader, a pastor or another church leader who has the authority to make important decisions for group. These decisions will affect student safety, spiritual shepherding and communication with parents. Important planning for your Church Night Out, Evangelistic Initiatives and fundraising starts early... Really, it starts now.


Making Application Decisions

The church group leader will also determine which students, parents and adult volunteers to accept into the Life Training program by approving each applicant.



  • Plan Your Trip

  • Ensure Student Safety

  • Communicate Trip Details

  • Meet Students, Leaders & Parents

  • Determine Your Application Process


2nd - a Registration Coordinator

Although individuals will register for themselves online, your church’s registration coordinator will submit the Church group release form, collect payment balances (the initial registration fee is paid online), communicate with the Registration Director about room assignments, and communicate with participants and parents/guardians of minors regarding program expectations.


Start as soon as you can and stay ahead of the game. Our instructions will walk you through the process.


Register as a Group

Although individuals register online for themselves, they do so in connection with their church or the church they are joining for the conference. This maximizes safety and allows each church to communicate their own travel plans and costs. We leave your group leader with the primary responsibility of deciding which students, parents and adult volunteers to accept into the Life Training program.



  • Payments

  • Registrations

  • Forms & Releases

  • Housing Assignments


Church & FUNDRAISING AdvocatE

Ben Brady

Ben will be a great asset and support to you and your church. He has helped us make LT a reality for over 10 years. He knows how to guide you during both your spiritual and logistical planning.


He has resources for fundraising, travel plans, tourist info, church night out ideas, church initiative projects and other pointers to help maximize your students' Life Training experience.


Please be attentive to his emails and texts! You'll serve your group best by responding quickly.


Start Now! - Prepare Your Group