



More than a Conference.  More than A Church Camp.


This is Life Training.



Your Stage of Life is a Training Ground

The decisions you make now will shape the type of man or woman you become. But, your past experiences, our culture, your friends, and sometimes even your own decisions can fight against you. You face many pressures and expectations.


But, right now is a unique time to work with God as He shapes you into the person He wants you to be. Come, discover a firm place to stand and a purpose for which to live. Make your way down the path of God's great plan for you!


Make a Difference with Your Life

The Main Track is an interactive experience just for you. Come see how the realities of God can make you the "real deal" even in the midst of a never-consistent and always-dramatic culture.


Learn to stand up as a beacon of light among your generation. You will be surprised at just how much you can impact your friends, family, and the world.


I came home with my good times and amazing life lessons. I made friends that I still talk to today 3 years later. But I came home with one thing that trumped all the others – a purpose in life. I found my meaning.
— Jan van Dalen Jr.
Going into the conference, I felt kind of splintered. I was a different person at school than I was at home and with friends. Life Training really helped me fuse that all together.
— Jack Morrison

The Main Track is open to all Life Training participants.  

Students may participate in this track if they are rising ninth graders or older.

Younger students attending with their families may participate with a parent as desired.



Main Track Highlights

  • Fun Events

  • Special Speakers

  • Extra Connect Group Time

  • Extra Evangelism Projects

  • Spiritual Discovery Exercises

  • One-on-One Time, Just You & God