Connect Groups

Connect Groups


"where OUR Spiritual rubber meets the road..."


Students form lasting friendships in their Connect Groups.

Students form lasting friendships in their Connect Groups.


Connect Groups: A Two-Fold Purpose

  • We Get Out on Mission

  • We Do the Mission Together

Connect Groups are strategic because the best way to nail down what we're learning is to do it. And the best way to build relationships is to work hard together with a vision for other people.


Become Disciples who Make Disciples

First, we start with God's heart. He loves us. He loves people. So, we want to help others know His love.


Because of all that Jesus has done for us, we want to be disciples who know Him and follow Him. This means that we follow Him as He wins a lost world to Himself.


We Equip Students:

  1. To strike up spiritual conversations

  2. To show concern for others' relationships
    with God

  3. To clearly share the Gospel message

  4. To connect, commission & care for new disciples

Some students are out sharing the Gospel of Christ on the beach.

Some students are out sharing the Gospel of Christ on the beach.

A Connect Group Guide shares the Gospel after we host an inner city cookout.

A Connect Group Guide shares the Gospel after we host an inner city cookout.


Because of Jesus' Love, We Value:

  1. Serving our authorities

  2. Serving the truly needy - locally & globally

  3. Giving special care to the household of believers, especially the persecuted

  4. Demonstrating love & care to all, especially for their eternal spiritual needs


Develop a Servant’s Heart

Connect Groups helps students move their eyes off of themselves and onto others. Doing service is noble, but developing the kind of character that initiates service even when nothing is asked or appreciated reflects the nature of God.


Christian service goes beyond the social justice we see in the world around us. We care for eternal needs, as well as the immediate. A big benefit of the servant heart.


A student plays with a kid attending our Boys & Girls Club fun day.

A student plays with a kid attending our Boys & Girls Club fun day.


What is A Connect Group?

Connect Groups are groups of about 10 students who do activities and mission projects together through the conference week. These groups include some people from your own church as well as people from other churches.


Connect Groups provide opportunities to work alongside other believers, facing both successes and challenges with godly attitudes. Our Connect Group staff work hard to make group assignments which maximize relationship building opportunities in three ways.

  • Within your own church

  • Among churches in your region

  • With churches elsewhere in the nation


How Does It Work?

Teens participate in Connect Group activities after most morning sessions, and they have Connect Group projects most afternoons during the conference.


Some of the mission projects are designed to help church groups and students develop their own Gospel initiatives. Sometimes churches will do these projects on their own, but we encourage teaming up with other churches when possible.


Connect Groups: What Do We Do?


Most of our Connect Group time is on mission together...

Student Led Evangelism Initiatives

Student Led Evangelism Initiatives

Evangelism Training

Evangelism Training

Service Projects

Service Projects


But, we also practice the life we preach...

Extended Personal Time with God

Extended Personal Time with God

Small Group Worship

Small Group Worship

Fun & Friendship Building Events

Fun & Friendship Building Events